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St Philip's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life

Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) Inspection 2024

Section 48 Report 2017

R.E Newsletter Autumn 2024

St Philip's Mission StatementOur Mission Statement

 Collective Worship

Monday - Gospel assembly

Tuesday -Singing Assembly - this gives the children the opportunity to pray and worship through song.

Wednesday - Gospel assembly/Assembly linked to RSHE, current events and religious festivals

Thursday - Celebration worship assembly, to celebrate their gifts and talents.

Friday - Class Liturgies, planned and led by the children.

Prayer and Worship Progression.pdf

HARVEST 3rd October  2024

We are overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone who have brought in goods for the Littlehampton Foodbank.  Our collection runs until next week.

Some of our R,E Ambassadors helped to sort all the items that have been donated so far.

The Good Shepherd Service

Our R.E Ambassadors, were invited to attend the annual Good Shepherd Service in Worth Abbey.  They went with some other children from the Deanery Schools.  The service was led by Bishop Richard Moth.

Rosary Group

May is the month of Mary.

Rosary group every Wednesday and Friday at 1pm.

Mass -  Ascension of the Lord 

Led by Bishop Richard

'There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is the Father of all, through all and within.' Ephesians 4: 1-13

Our Spiritual Garden Project

We were delighted that the students from Chichester University came to work with our R.E Ambassadors.  Together, they planted some beautiful flowers for our new Spiritual Garden.  It is nearly complete and the children are looking forward to being able to use it and have their class liturgies around it.

Mass of the Risen Lord

Happy Easter

Mass of the Risen Lord, led by Canon David.

Thank you to all our families for bringing in such beautiful flowers.

Spirituality Day

               Our theme this year  - Helping Others, especially those in need.

We thank the Chaplaincy Team, from St Philip Howard School, for leading some inspiring workshops.


Lenten Penitential Service for KS2.

'I have always loved you, my people.' Based on Hosea 11: 1-4

Lent Prayer Group 2024

Week 1  - Sharing, writing and drawing their Lenten Promises.

Lent Prayer Group

Week 2 - Looking at how we can make the world a better place.

Week 3 - This week, we looked at different ways of praying.   

Week 4 - This week we looked at how we can shine our light over the Lent period.

Week 5 - In our last week of Lent Prayer Group, we reflected on the different parts of the Easter Story.

Epiphany Assembly

'When they saw the star they were overjoyed'.  (Matthew 2:10)

Christingle 2023

We had a visit from Roger Purdom, from Parkside Church. He came to talk to the children about Christingle and what it means.

Advent Prayer Group 2023

Advent Prayer GroupThe Year 6 children led an Advent Prayer group.  In this session, the children were writing or drawing their Advent Promises.

Remembrance Day 

Thank you to Marley and Scarlett (Y6), for laying the wreath at the Remembrance Service.  Sofia (Y6) wrote and read a beautiful and emotive poem.

Harvest Assembly 2023 

We had Littlehampton Foodbank visit us to help explain the wonderful work they do to help others. 

 We have already had many families bring in food for our harvest and we are very grateful. 

 'The Harvest is plentiful' (Matthew 9.35-38)

Rosary Group - October 2023

   'May the rosary never fall from your hands.' Saint Pope John XXIII. 

 Link To Hope Shoebox Appeal 2023

Thank you everyone for your kindness by giving in your boxes for our annual 'Shoebox Appeal' for the Link to Hope charity.  These boxes will help families in need in countries such as; Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania. 

Children in Need 2023

The children came in non-uniform to raise money for Children in Need.  Thank you for all your kind donations.


Spirituality Day 2023

The children had a wonderful day learning about what 'Community' is and what it means in our lives.  As the Bible says; 'The Holy Spirit is present whenever believers gather together (Matthew 18:20).

The St Philip Howard, chaplaincy team led workshops and the children were able to deepen their faith with creative and reflective activities throughout the day.

 Holy Week Liturgies

 Each class acted out a part of the Easter Story to strengthen and deepen their understanding. They consisted of Liturgical dances, role play, freeze frames, prayers and songs. 

The Last Supper

'For God so loved the world, he gave his only son...' (John 3:16)

Mass of the Risen Lord

Thank you for all the beautiful  flowers, that you brought in, to decorate our cross for the Mass of the Risen Lord.

Easter Cross 

 First Holy Communion 2023

The children all looked smart, as they celebrated this important occasion, surrounded by their families and loved ones.

150th Anniversary Mass for Arundel Cathedral- 1st July 2023 

Please use the links below to view our Vision and Ethos, as well as information on British Values.

British Values

Ethos and Vision document 2024